Mitsubishi's 65-inch LaserVue priced at CEDIA: $6,999

Mitsubishi has been trickling out details for its mysterious LaserVue HDTV for months now, but at long last, we finally know the most pertinent piece. Reportedly, the 65-inch set -- which was seen lookin' mighty fine on the CEDIA floor, by the way -- will retail for $6,999 when it ships to Select Diamond retailers at the end of this month. The forthcoming 73-inch version doesn't have a price / release date just yet, but given the way we've found things out about its smaller sibling, we can't say we're shocked in the least.
[Via: Engadget ] [Tag: CEDIA,cedia 2008,Cedia2008,laser,laser tv,LaserTv,LaserVue,mitsubishi,price,pricing ]