Belkin's FlyWire hands-on at CEDIA

Belkin has been dangling its FlyWire wireless HD box for, what, ever now? Thankfully, it seems that all the kinks have been worked out, and the October ship date should actually stick. A few tidbits we learned while hanging out at the outfit's CEDIA booth: first, we confirmed that the technology within the device is AMIMON's, so we're guessing it's WHDI. Secondly, we heard that the retail price of the top-end AV69003 may scoot up to $1,499 when it's finally released. We know, that's a lot of coin to make your components cord-free, but the demonstration showing off Blu-ray streaming through thin air was nothing short of astounding. No hiccups, no jaggies, no hints whatsoever that there wasn't a direct HDMI connection. Check the box (and the receiver) out in the flesh over at Engadget HD.
[Via: Engadget ] [Tag: amimon,belkin,cedia,cedia 2008,Cedia2008,features,flywire,hands-on,pictures,whdi,wireless hd,wireless hdmi,WirelessHd,WirelessHdmi ]