It's been a while since Sonos last had a significant hardware announcement, so welcome into the world their new ZP120 ($500) and Z90 ($350), as well as the $1,000 BU150 bundle (which includes both the new devices and the same original controller). The main difference, which we'd already heard: they now both support SonosNet 2.0, which uses MIMO to double the wireless distance between nodes. Also clear to those paying close attention, the amp-enabled aluminum-clad flagship model (ZP120) has undergone an intense weight loss treatment, leaving it significantly smaller than its predecessor (but still capable of driving 55W of sound).
Sonos is also launching the 2.6 version of its desktop software, which indexes more music than before (65k tracks total) and, surprisingly enough, gives new AND existing users $200 in free music from sites like eMusic and Livedownloads. Of course, the one piece of Sonos gear we've been most longing to see updated -- the $400 controller -- has gone totally untouched, and won't even be getting SonosNet 2.0. Maybe they'll throw us a bone and hook us up with an iPod touch / iPhone controller app in the mean time, but we're not holding our breath. Photos and unboxing / hands-on shots below.
[Via: Engadget ]
[Tag: breaking news,BreakingNews,BU150,sonos,zp120,zp90 ]
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